
Silagra is the brand name of the generic drug sildenafil citrate. It is used in treating erectile dysfunction. It belongs to the class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors. Silagra is also used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. 

There are certain things you need to know before you use Silagra. This includes what it is, its effects, and how it can help. We’ll talk about all these things in this article. 

Let’s get right to it. 

What is Silagra?

Silagra is a drug containing sildenafil citrate as its main ingredient. It belongs to the family of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. It is made by Cipla, a pharmaceuticals-focused company with headquarters in Mumbai, India. 

The medication Silagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Men with ED struggle to achieve and sustain an erection long enough for sexual activity. It may occur as a result of trauma, illness, psychiatric issues, advanced age, etc. Silagra can aid in increasing the amount of blood flow to the penis so that it can get erect. 

What’s the Dosage of Silagra?

There are three dosage options for Silagra

  • 25mg
  • 50mg
  • 100mg

These blue, oval pills are sold in packs of 4 to 10 tablets each. Your physician will initially examine you if you have ED to determine the severity of your condition and whether you have any underlying illnesses. Silagra will subsequently be prescribed to you by them. 

Depending on how well you respond to the treatment, your doctor may adjust your dose. Silagra should only be used before a sexual encounter. Unless otherwise noted, there is no need to take it every day. Its maximum dosage is one pill taken once per day. Any more could have unfavourable effects. 

How Long Does it Take For Silagra to Work?

Silagra doesn’t start working till after 30 to 60 minutes following ingestion. It can be a little bit longer in certain men. 

How Long Can Silagra Last For?

Silagra lasts for almost up to four to six hours and has a half-life of nearly four hours

What is the cost of Silagra?

The price of Silagra is about 0.35 USD per tablet. This is relatively cheap compared to other PDE5 inhibitors

Who Should Take Silagra?

Silagra is for men who have erectile dysfunction. It works even when ED is brought on by various illnesses and medical problems. However, Silagra does not act as an aphrodisiac or libido booster. It merely aids in the appropriate erection of an already stimulated penis. It is not intended for use by women or children. 

Is Silagra Safe?

Most ED patients can safely take sildenafil. But it also has a unique set of negative effects. The majority of these are caused by taking the drug irregularly or more than what is advised. 

Common Side Effects of Silagra

Here are some of the most common side effects reported by men who take Silagra. 

  • Abnormal vision
  • Back pain
  • Blue tinted vision
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hot flushes
  • Muscle pain
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nausea
  • Rash
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Stomach upset
  • Tingling in arms and feet
  • Vision Loss

Potential Drug Interactions With Silagra

When used with Silagra, some drugs can result in unusual side effects. Anyone using these medications has to let their doctor know. It is likely that taking any other ED medication, including Silagra, could be hazardous for you if you are currently on any of the below-listed prescription drugs. This is due to the shared mechanism of action between Silagra and all other medications in the same class. 

The following medicines may interact with Silagra:


These are used to treat coronary artery disease and angina. When these two interact, Silagra can dramatically drop blood pressure, which might result in dizziness, a rapid heartbeat, fainting, etc. 

Guanylate cyclase (GC) stimulators

Ruociguat and Vericiguat are guanylate cyclase (GC) stimulators that are used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension and lessen hospitalisation due to heart failure. These can react with Silagra causing rapidly reduced blood pressure. 


 Alpha-blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and angiotensin II receptor blockers are a few of these. Their capacity to reduce blood pressure can be enhanced by sildenafil causing a rapid drop in blood pressure, which could be dangerous.

CYP3A4 Inhibitors

As the CYP3A4 enzyme metabolises Silagra, any medicine that causes slower induction of this enzyme would mean a greater chance for Silagra to work, albeit too much at times. These include goldenseal, grapefruit, diltiazem, itraconazole, ketoconazole, ritonavir, and clarithromycin. These may delay the body’s ability to eliminate Silagra, making it last longer in the body and causing more side effects. 


Alcohol of any kind can interact with Silagra and exacerbate its side effects, such as headaches, flushing, fatigue, weakness, thirst, muscle aches, nausea, stomach pain, vertigo, sensitivity to light and sound, anxiety, irritability, sweating, and increased blood pressure.


Antacids can reduce Silagra’s absorption by the body and mitigate its effects. Examples include Alternagel, Amphojel, Alka-Seltzer, Tums, Magnesium hydroxide, Gaviscon, Gelusil, Maalox, Mylanta, and Rolaids.

CYP43A4 Inducers

 These drugs may hasten Silagra’s metabolism and diminish its effects. These include glucocorticoids, phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampicin, and St. John’s Wort. 

Who Should Avoid Using Silagra

There are people with health conditions where taking Silagra can turn out to be dangerous. They are:

  • Anyone with NAION or “crowded” optic disc
  • Anyone with retinitis pigmentosa
  • Anyone with severe heart disease or heart valve failure
  • Patients taking any of the contraindicated medications listed in the previous section
  • Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to Silagra or any other ED medication
  • Patients with a history of priapism
  • Patients with certain blood disorders (haemophilia, leukaemia, sickle-cell anaemia)
  • Patients with severe kidney disease

How Does Silagra Work?

PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil citrate is the active ingredient in Silagra. The corpora cavernosa, vascular smooth muscles, visceral smooth muscles, and platelets all contain PDE5. 

Nerve signals are typically delivered into the pelvis during sex, after mental and sensory excitement. Nitric Oxide (NO) is then released from the endothelial cells and nerve terminals. Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) will also be released as a result of this release of NO. 

The corpora cavernosa muscles in the penis relax as a result of the release of cGMP. Additionally, the blood vessels in the penis enlarge, which speeds up the blood’s entry into those blood vessels. 

An erection is brought on by the penis’ rapid expansion due to the quick blood flow into it. The membrane around the corpora cavernosa, or tunica albuginea, maintains that erection by holding the blood inside of it. Only when the penis muscles contract will the erection disappear. 

The PDE5 can prevent the corpora cavernosa and penis blood arteries from relaxing. The blood arteries themselves may be impacted in ED patients frequently, with some of them having clogs and others having limited lumens. Usually, this occurs as a result of aging or certain medical disorders.

Silagra prevents PDE5 from having an impact on the penis, allowing blood to flow into the penis and resulting in an erection. It also aids in keeping it up. 

The History of Silagra

 Sildenafil was first manufactured in 1989. It was first considered a possible heart treatment. Its capacity to cause erections in ED patients was unintentionally discovered, but it was an intriguing one. It completely changed how this condition was treated. 

After being discovered, this drug was patented in 1996 and produced and marketed by Pfizer under the name Viagra. In 1998, the FDA issued their permission. 

After the sildenafil patent expired in 2019, various pharmaceutical businesses from all over the world started producing it in much smaller quantities. Of them, Cipla was one. Cipla started producing and exporting it under the name Silagra. 

Medical Research Around Silagra

The active ingredient in Silagra, sildenafil, has been the subject of studies to determine its efficacy in treating ED [1]. Treatment of pulmonary hypertension by using Sildenafil has also attracted interest [2]. Individual company studies on these drugs have not been conducted though. This is because few companies perform their research; instead, they merely replicate and adhere to the formula for an already-available medicine. 

Best Silagra Alternatives

Other methods of treating ED exist. Pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical products may be used. Most of them have similar effects to Silagra and may or may not be supported by sufficient clinical research.

Pharmaceutical Alternatives

Like Silagra, several other medications are also used to treat ED. They may cost differently than Silagra and may or may not have the same active ingredient as it. The majority of them, nevertheless, work in a way that is comparable to Silagra. 

Here are some medications that can be used instead of Silagra:

  • Sildenafil (Viagra, Cenforce, Kamagra, Fildena, P-Force, Vygex, etc)
  • Udenafil (Zydena)
  • Vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn, Vilitra, Zhewitra, Savitra, & more)
  • Tadalafil (Cialis, Adcirca, Vidalista, Tadacip, Forzest, & more)
  • Avanafil (Avaforce, Stendra, Avana)
  • Mirodenafil (Mvix)

Non-pharmaceutical Alternatives

These include various healthcare techniques, herbs, and nutrients that can help treat ED. These are good places to start if you are hesitant to try pharmaceutical medications. But most of these do not have enough research done on them to show how effective they are.  

Here are some natural herbs and nutrients that could help with ED:

Horny goat weed (Epimedium spp.) — It is a herb that helps treat ED, boost libido, and increase stamina. [3]

Ginseng (Panax ginseng)— Panax ginseng, a kind of ginseng, is an antioxidant. They can raise stamina, increase libido, and lessen ED symptoms. [4]

Mondia whitei —  This herb can increase testosterone levels and enhance sperm motility. [5]

 Maca (Lepidium meyenii) —  It is a plant that can treat ED and reduce stress. [6]

Catuaba (Trichilia catigua or Erythroxylum Catuaba) — It is a natural herb that is made from the bark of Catuaba trees, which are native to the Brazilian jungle. It can be applied to treat ED and poor libido. Additionally, they can enhance sexual prowess [7].

Zinc — Studies have shown that men with erectile dysfunction have lower amounts of zinc. The signs of sexual dysfunction can be minimised and testosterone levels can rise with zinc supplementation [8].

Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) — can lessen ED symptoms while increasing sex pleasure. This plant relaxes the corpora cavernosa, which functions as a sponge and holds blood during an erection. This relaxation promotes the erectile response by increasing blood flow to the penis [9].

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe) — It is a plant that can prolong erections and improve blood flow to the penis [10].

Tongkat Ali — This herb can boost testosterone levels while lowering stress [11].

How to buy Silagra?

Silagra is a prescription-only medication in the majority of countries, therefore you’ll need a prescription from a licensed physician to purchase it. Once you have it, you can purchase Silagra online or from local pharmacies. The former might be a superior option because it is simple and covert. Once you have Silagra, use it just as directed by your doctor or just before having sex. 

So, if you’re seeking an ED drug that works quickly and gives you results right away, Silagra might be the one for you. 


  1. Smith, B. P., & Babos, M. (2022). Sildenafil. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
  2. Barnett, C. F., & Machado, R. F. (2006). Sildenafil in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. Vascular health and risk management, 2(4), 411.  
  3. Liu, W. J., Xin, Z. C., Xin, H., Yuan, Y. M., Tian, L., & Guo, Y. L. (2005). Effects of icariin on erectile function and expression of nitric oxide synthase isoforms in castrated rats. Asian Journal of Andrology, 7(4), 381-388. 
  4. De Andrade, E., De Mesquita, A. A., de Almeida Claro, J., De Andrade, P. M., Ortiz, V., Paranhos, M., … & Erdogrun, T. (2007). Study of the efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Asian Journal of Andrology, 9(2), 241-244. 
  5. Quasie, O., Martey, O. N. K., Nyarko, A. K., Gbewonyo, W. S. K., & Okine, L. K. N. (2010). Modulation of penile erection in rabbits by Mondia whitei: possible mechanism of action. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, 7(3).
  6. Shin, B. C., Lee, M. S., Yang, E. J., Lim, H. S., & Ernst, E. (2010). Maca (L. meyenii) for improving sexual function: a systematic review. BMC Complementary and alternative medicine, 10(1), 1-6.
  7.  Lim, P. H. (2017). Asian herbals and aphrodisiacs are used for managing ED. Translational andrology and urology, 6(2), 167.
  8.  Dissanayake, D. M. A. B., Wijesinghe, P. S., Ratnasooriya, W. D., & Wimalasena, S. (2009). Effects of zinc supplementation on the sexual behavior of male rats. Journal of human reproductive sciences, 2(2), 57. 
  9.  Ferrini, M. G., Garcia, E., Abraham, A., Artaza, J. N., Nguyen, S., & Rajfer, J. (2018). Effect of ginger, Paullinia cupana, Muira puama, and l-citrulline, singly or in combination, on modulation of the inducible nitric oxide-NO-cGMP pathway in rat penile smooth muscle cells. nitric oxide, 76, 81-86.
  10. Carey, M. P., & Johnson, B. T. (1996). Effectiveness of yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder: Four meta-analytic integrations. Archives of sexual behavior, 25(4), 341-360. 
  11. Kotirum, S., Ismail, S. B., & Chaiyakunapruk, N. (2015). Efficacy of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) on erectile function improvement: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Complementary therapies in medicine, 23(5), 693-698. 







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